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Live In Care

In response to requests, we've recently extended our Adverts to identify Live-In details, and thus allow a filtered Search.

This will help Clients and Carers who are looking specifically for Live-In.

Having seen 1000's of of adverts posted on SimpleNeeds over 8 years, we've seen that Live-In comes in a variety of sizes, but always involving overnight attendance.

There is the Companion/Carer role where the Carer may live permanently with the Client. The period varies widely from a few weeks to several years depending on circumstances of both Carer and Client. This arrangement depends greatly on a sufficiently good rapport between Carer and Client.

There is the "2 week on 2 week off" shift arrangement, where two or more Carers alternate Live-In care. The period of 2 weeks is typical, but often varies to suit circumstances. This is a more structured approach and ensures a break for both parties from Live-In care.

There is the "sleeping night" where the Carer expects to be able to sleep, and attendance is mainly precautionary. Whilst not actually Living-In, sleeping accomodation is necessary.

There is the "waking night" where the Carer expects to be in wakeful attendance all night.

We hope you find our improved Live-In facility helpful.